Vilnelė Odyssey

Project information
  • Rasa Antanavičiūtė, Vilnius Museum
  • Živilė Miežytė, Vilnius Museum
  • Lauryna Gružaitė
  • Eugenijus Kaminskis
  • Eglė Vitkutė

Vilnius Museum



We did

Research, Engagement, Placemaking




Co-creating the Artistic Interventions

The Vilnius Museum invited our interdisciplinary team to join a unique endeavor to reinterpret James Joyce’s “Ulysses” within the urban settings of Vilnius city. This blend of literature and urban infrastructure presented a stimulating challenge that matched our team’s competencies.

The Challenge

How can we foster community interaction and empower residents to influence future local developments?

The Context of the Challenge

2022 marked the centenary of the publication of James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” To celebrate, the Vilnius Museum invited us to participate in the “Ulysses European Odyssey” project consortium and reinterpret “Ulysses” in the urban landscape of Vilnius.

The Approach

Local Project Design

In collaboration with Vilnius Museum, we co-designed a series of events for the residents of the Naujoji Vilnia, Paupys, and Markučiai districts. The goal was to engage them in co-creating new public spaces alongside professional architects and artists, helping to actualize their connection with the Vilnelė River that flows through these districts.

Framing of Symposium

We organized a public symposium themed “How can communities shape their environment?” which welcomed over 120 participants. The symposium included presentations, panel discussions, excursions, and a workshop.


Three functional installations were co-designed by professional architects and local communities and were introduced along the Vilnelė River in Naujoji Vilnia, Markučiai, and Paupys. These new public spaces invite residents and visitors to reflect on their role in shaping their city and symbolize continuous change and renewal, mirroring the dynamic nature of the Vilnelė River.

The Insight

The co-creation of new or renewed public spaces strengthens community ties and promotes care towards the surrounding environment.

The Change to the Context


Shaped One’s Living Environment

Enhanced dialogue and practical experiences regarding the role of communities in shaping their living environments.


Enabled New Public Spaces

Three new public spaces were co-created along the Vilnelė River in the Paupys, Markučiai, and Naujoji Vilnia districts.


Actualized Literary Heritage

James Joyce’s “Ulysses” was actualized and reinterpreted within the urban context.

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