Identity is the source defining the actions and growth of any organization and ecosystem. Understanding identity clarifies choices, strengthens moves, and creates resilience. The territory of identity is both constant and in flux; that is why it is challenging to reveal it precisely.

Identity is the most changing fundament and what is the most fundamental in a change. It is beyond logos and slogans; it is beyond organizational culture and value propositions. It is the nucleus that connects it all and gives them direction.

Identity is always revealed and never created. Identity is already here, even though you cannot articulate it. City identity, organizational identity, place identity, and other communal (not personal) identities have a common structure to follow to find that story lived by.

Identity is at the core of a brand creation process, visual identity formation. When properly identified it is recognized as an impactful brand, as a familiar visual identity, or even something that one wants to belong to. Therefore, in many cases identity and brand are about the same phenomenon only from a different point of view.

Researching the context

Identifying key strategic documents, engaging with stakeholders, analyzing historical facts, observing culture, facilitating workshops, activating surveys, and more for background information to be gathered.

Forming the narrative

Making sense of the layers of data and information to identify insights and reveal a story resonating with stakeholders of this identity.

Creating the language

Designing various visual, written, and functional elements to coherently act out the story of the identity and create the impact wanted.

When should the focus turn to identity revelation? The need to figure out what a certain entity is about usually happens when too much uncertainty is present in daily actions. It is also common to search for the axis when new products, new markets, strategic shifts are being planned, or even when internal alignment is sought. And of course when there is a plan to create a new brand, rebrand, or update the visual identity.

What is the impact? Identity is what defines whether your strategy, products, culture will be successful long-term. Understanding an entity’s identity means clarity for the actions at hand and all the steps forward. It is also an impactful brand that the audience wants to connect to. It is essential for any organization thinking sustainably.

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