Research is aimed at understanding. For it to happen a precise definition of a challenge and a proper research architecture has to be formed. When building this architecture the more tools there are, the more effective results can be achieved. For that reason we have developed our own digital research platform to expand the toolkit at hand.

As the most research work we do is focused on understanding various cultures, behavior changes, customer perspectives, and engagement activities, the platform is about getting the best individual qualitative information.

Personalized survey

Selected users get access to an app (iOS, Android) where a series of questions are provided in an interactive way. The questions are added or changed according to the dynamics of the research making the process more precise, adapting to the challenge and different insights along the way.

Mobile ethnography

Selected users are enabled to document their particular experiences live:

  • Reflect on the experience
  • Visualize the experience
  • Attach emotion to the experience
  • Categorize the experience

The full spectrum of different aspects to qualitatively describe the experiences allows researchers to go deeper into underlying behavior elements.

Location-based feedback

All users are enabled to provide insights, comments about the experience of a particular place, infrastructure element. The process allows users to:

  • Write a comment
  • Take a photo
  • Select an emotion
  • Select a category

The possibility to get the individual and collective perspective on a particular location allows for insights on how to develop, change a place or infrastructure to be more precise.

Digital Research Platform is the gateway for the research to be more precise and more adaptive to the context. It is an impactful addition to the whole toolkit the research team operates with.

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