Every person is always in the world, and never has a chance to be apart from it. Every action is always networked, and never happens in a sterile environment. Every challenge is a question rooted in a particular context. Every solution is an impact changing the context.

How to comprehend these perspectives? How to combine them into a meaningful action? By integrating phenomenology, systems thinking, design thinking and other methodologies from human sciences, we have distilled our own approach – Context Thinking.

Context Thinking is the approach to solving challenges with precision and care. By integrating research and design practices into one process, it becomes an impactful perspective in various situations of uncertainty. Context Thinking focuses on the context rather than on an isolated issue or object, ensuring complexity is acknowledged, not reduced.

Context Thinking has three meta parts


Challenge as a

Where the problem is reframed into a question about the human world.


Understanding as a phenomenon

Where data and information are synthesized to make sense within the predefined context. This is a place where separate blocks of knowledge connect into a narrative that resonates.


Change and impact

As a phenomenon, where solutions are measured within the context to clarify the impact it creates to all relevant stakeholders.

Context Thinking flow mirrors the breathing process with divergence and convergence segments to ensure harmonious and efficient movement between steps.

Context Thinking has an engagement practice applied horizontally throughout the process. Relevant stakeholders are identified and constantly engaged to get feedback, co-create, and research.

Context Thinking
defines context through
four perspectives

Social – what are the defining relationships?
Cultural – what are the key symbols, norms, principals, values?
Economic – what is the main value exchange system?
Environmental – what is the connection with nature?

Where Context Thinking is applied best?

As Context Thinking is formed from different pieces, it can be reassembled to frame processes from new product category launch and city identity revelation to startup product testing and infrastructure activation. As a general rule of thumb, Context Thinking works best where the challenge has more uncertainty than few known scenarios.

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