Cities are about people. They are the places where individuals choose to live due to the environment in which they find themselves embraced. Therefore, developing cities is about understanding and improving how people live in those exact places.

Cities constitute a vast network of different stakeholders, various communities, and acting individuals. Multiple forces interconnect and shape daily life. To develop a city is to navigate within this complex context.

We have been working in the domain of city development on different scales: from national strategies to infrastructure activation, from city identities to city public transportation maps. Every case has its unique context, and an individual set of tools has to be applied.

Context Thinking is the approach we use to help develop cities. Yet, the specificity of working in this domain requires underlining certain perspectives for the impact to be sustainable.

Cities are living ecosystems

They develop through the accumulated effort and relationships of many—teams, groups, communities that drive change and transformation. Engaging stakeholders, delving into that culture, sensing the context, respecting feedback, and more, solutions reveal themselves throughout the holistic process.

Citizens are not consumers

People experience cities as a long-lasting phenomenon, not a short-term opportunity. Therefore, adequate research architecture (observation, mobile ethnography, complex workshops, etc.) is crucial to truly understand that context.

Impact over return

Cities operate by a different set of rules than common organizations. They prioritize impact over return-on-investment. Well-being, sustainability, mobility, and other themes are fundamental for city development. Orienting the process according to this perspective opens up new opportunities and lasting solutions.

The wide range of experiences in city development projects ensures the quality standard of our services.

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